All recognized characters belong to Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement intended.
This chapter has been beta'd by the ever amazing: Strae
Bella's stomach growled again. "The baby must be hungry already," I said.
"Shut up, Edward. I'm not going to get pregnant."
I rolled my eyes, though it was fairly pointless. "Just because you say you're not going to doesn't make it the truth. I thought you knew the mechanics of making babies by now, but apparently, you still think parents wish for one and the stork brings it."
She growled. "My God, just shut up would you and let me finish. I'm not going to get pregnant because I can't."
I know the shock on my face was obvious. "Can't as in, like, can't ever?"
"No," she groaned.
"Oh, thank God." Her shocked look must have mirrored mine from before. I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I want kids," I said before she could ask. "But not now, so would you spit it the fuck out already?"
"I didn't tell anyone I went because it was the single most embarrassing thing I've ever done in my entire life," she muttered.
"Can we skip all this evasive shit, please? I don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about."
She groaned. "I'm on the pill."
"Since fucking when?" I asked incredulously.
"A while," she answered.
"I wasn't going to tell you until I was certain that it was going to be effective. I wanted to be certain and I was already tempted enough as it was, so I couldn't tell you."
"Christ," I groaned, running my hands through my hair. I was so fucking thankful that babies weren't in the making at this moment. "I don't know why you didn't just tell me that before, save me all this panicking."
"I didn't really want to tell you at all." She sighed then, seeing the look on my face. "Alice gave me the number to a doctor in Port Angeles so I wouldn't be recognized. She doesn't even know I went, no one does. And that bitch was a bitch, I've never been so humiliated."
"What's her name?" I asked seriously. "I'll have Carlisle get her license suspended."
"Edward," she groaned. "I think it was more me than her. She just reminded me of Lauren. I do think she found it funny that I was still a virgin though. She offered to get rid of my hymen. I'm beginning to think that would have been a good idea." Her face was pure red as she told me this.
Irrational anger flared in my chest and a growl rumbled out of my throat before I could stop it. "I'd have killed her if she would have taken your hymen. That was mine."
Bella smirked. "I think it's common, so the pain isn't as bad."
"I don't care," I growled, "I'd have killed her."
"Calm down," she said, "you got my hymen. It was yours."
I stood up and grabbed her hand to tow her up after me. "Damn right. Let's get some food since I've decided no one is going to get killed today and we've discovered you're only going to be eating for one."
She chuckled. "Well, if we keep this up, I'm going to be eating for five. Sex is exhausting."
"You know you love it!"
She chuckled again. "Damn right."
I pulled my top drawer open and pulled out a pair of boxers and two plain undershirts, handing one to Bella. She smiled gratefully and pulled it over her head.
It took me a few minutes to realize that there was nothing electrical on. At all. Anywhere in the house.
Bella shivered. "It's cold out here."
"I think the power is out," I said. I flipped a switch and nothing happened. "Does anyone know where you are?" I asked, suddenly back to a bit of reality.
She nodded. "I texted Alice when I pulled in the driveway, she knows I'm safely out here with you."
I raised an eyebrow at her. "I don't know about 'safely'."
She smiled. "Yeah, you got me there. You're already trying to starve me to death and kill me with sex."
I whirled at her and picked her up off the floor. She squealed from the unexpectedness of the attack. I placed her on the counter. "What shall I feed you, then, before I begin trying to kill you with sex again?"
"It would be a great way to go, wouldn't it?" she asked me, reaching out and running her hand through my hair. I hadn't anticipated her grabbing it, but she did and pulled me to her mouth. Her lips pressed firmly to mine, molding to fit the exact shape and her legs folded around my waist.
"Food, Bella," I mumbled into her mouth.
She pulled back with a giggle. "You distracted me."
I raised an eyebrow, trying to figure out how exactly I distracted her. "Well, now you know how I feel ninety-nine percent of the time." She rolled her eyes at me. "You never told me what you wanted." Her eyes narrowed and a smirk came to her lips. "Cereal it is then," I said before she could tell me I distracted her again.
I poured two bowls. It was weird how you never noticed that the light always came on in the fridge every time you opened it, until it didn't come on. I handed Bella her bowl and hopped up onto the counter next to her.
"Think everyone is okay?" Bella asked between a bite.
"Definitely," I answered. She sighed a little bit. "Can I ask you something without you getting completely mad at me?"
She thought. "I suppose," was her answer.
"How are you feeling?"
She grimaced slightly, then sighed again, louder this time. "I am starting to feel a bit sore." I watched as she peeked at me for my reaction.
"I'm fine with taking a break, you know. We have our whole lives, we don't have to get it all perfect in one day." She nodded at me, smiling shyly. "I really just want to hold you."
She turned to look at me and her eyes were doing that love-beyond-words thing that made me melt. I think it was safe to say we were done eating.
I would have liked to shower before bed, but no electricity kind of made that difficult. As we walked back towards my room, the view out the large picturesque window caught my attention. Everything was way too shiny.
Apparently, it had started to rain at sometime and most of the snow that fell was gone, but everything was covered in an inch-thick layer of ice now. The thermometer read thirty-three degrees though and I was willing to bet that we'd only have a two hour late start in the morning because it would all melt off over night. So much for a snowstorm.
With a shiver, Bella grabbed the comforter from the end of my bed and opened her arms for me to crawl into. We snuggled up together, wrapped the blanket around us, and used body heat to stay warm. She kept humming happily into my chest and I was smiling into her hair when we both fell asleep again.
It was three o'clock in the morning when both of our phones beeped and buzzed on the nightstand next to my bed. I blindly groped for them and Bella reached for hers out of my hand.
"How many do you have?" she asked me, her voice rough with sleep.
"Five voice, thirteen texts. You?"
"Two voice, weird, thirteen texts for me too."
She played hers first. The first one was Alice calmly stating that Bella was in deep shit when she got home. The second was Charlie, not sounding at all happy.
"Bella, it's Dad. Alice told me where you are. I'm not sure what was going through your head driving on a day like this or how you could possibly put yourself in danger that way. Just… don't… drive again. Stay there." The line clicked dead and I stared in shock at her phone. It was like permission, only I was willing to bet that it was as Alice had said, she'd still be in deep shit when she got home.
I played mine next. The first two were from Carlisle just updating his and Mom's status.
When the third started, it was Emmett singing. "You're sooooo, getting boooooned, right nooooooow." I hit delete before anymore could come out of that.
The last two were Carlisle saying he heard we didn't have power or phone lines, and that he'd try again soon. When he tried again, we still didn't have power or phone. I found it amusing how he called to tell me I was without power or phones.
None of my texts were anything important, half of them were Emmett being retarded. When Bella blushed I asked her, "What?"
"Nothing," she said.
I grabbed her phone. It was from Emmett of course. Give me a F, give me a U, give me a C, give me a K. What's that spell? FUCK! Add Edward and you're SOOOOO FUUUUUUCKING Edward, right NOOOOOOW!
I rolled my eyes. I sent my dad a quick text letting him know the phones and power was back. When Bella was done, I placed both of our phones back on the nightstand and curled myself back around her warm little body. The warmth made it easy to drift to sleep.
Loud blaring music coming from my iPod deck woke us up. Today the song was:
"All night long, said, all night long, I been drinking about how to get your panties on the floor. So let's get it over and just get naked with sweat dripping down your little back. I'm a Holy roller and I own the spaceship so let me take you for a little ride, ride, and ride."
I laughed and Bella groaned. "What is this?"
"Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd. Isn't it great?" Laughing, I fisted the bottom of my t-shirt that she was wearing and whispered in her ear, "So let's get it over and just get naked."
She pushed my shoulder until I rolled onto my back and she straddled my waist. "It sounds great when you say it, but…" she grabbed my iPod off the deck and the music cut off, "how can you listen to that this early?" I shrugged. "What time is it anyway?"
"Probably six thirty."
"Why is it so bright out?"
I shrugged again. "It always looks brighter behind that curtain because it's so dark in here. Go check." I nudged her towards the window.
She crawled across my bed and my shirt was just long enough to cover all the good parts. When she threw the curtain open, she groaned.
"What?" I asked.
"Snow's all gone, ice too."
"And you're upset about that?"
She jumped back on the bed, crawling back over to me. "I'm not ready for this to end."
I nodded in agreement and said, "Me neither." I flipped the TV on and scanned for the local news. When I found it, Forks High was on a two hour delay. I flipped it off again and wrapped my arms tight around her. "Well, at least we get to cuddle a little bit longer before we have to get ready."
"What a crappy snowstorm," Bella groaned against my chest. "I wouldn't exactly know, but aren't they supposed to last for a few days at least?"
I chuckled. "I wouldn't know either, but usually, I think. We're in Washington though, Bella. We get every element in one day at times. We don't count for what's usual."
"Nope, we're definitely unusual."
"Still talking about the weather, Bella?"
She swatted my chest and I chuckled. We talked and joked and held onto each other for another hour before making our way to my shower.
We both went in together under the hot spray. As much as I would have loved a quickie before school, I restrained myself because Bella was keeping everything as innocent as was possible with another naked person. She let me wash her and she washed me in return and it was definitely one of the best showers I'd ever had, including all the ones that were mainly just jerk off sessions.
The morning routine continued and she kissed me goodbye before climbing into her truck.
I had been right and everything had melted off overnight. The temperature was already at forty and inclining.
School was morbidly boring as always, except when I'd see Bella and she'd smile shyly at me. That girl had her ways, and I was more depressed than ever at the fact that we weren't going to be spending tonight together.
So I ended up taking a back way home and when I spotted the Forks Police Station, I pulled in. I assume subconsciously I realized this is where I'd wanted to go, but I had no idea why. Charlie's cruiser was in the lot. Before I even had any plan at all, I was walking through the door.
I spotted Charlie immediately. The little bell on the door announced my entry and the Chief looked up at me. His eyes narrowed and his face turned an odd shade of purple.
"Hi, how can I help ya?" The eager red head with short hair was just itching for something to do. Charlie was at his desk with a deck of cards, looking bored, I could only guess that this secretary was severely lacking in the busy department – I had a feeling she may have been lacking in the brains department as well.
"Chief Charlie Swan please," I said, like I couldn't see him ten feet away.
"What is your name, sir?"
"Edward Cullen."
The red head smiled broadly and reached down to press a button. Her finger hovered over the button, she cleared her throat then pressed the button down. She leaned forward and spoke clearly, "Chief Swan, Edward Cullen is here to see you, Chief Charlie Swan."
Charlie was already to the front desk by the time the red head had finished. "Thank you, Heidi," he said kindly to her. I had a feeling I'd just made her day. He jerked his head for me to follow him and swung open a partition. I followed him back to his desk.
"What can I do for you, Cullen?"
"Sir," I started, he raised his eyebrows. "Charlie?" I asked. His eyebrows went up higher. "Chief Swan?" My voice went up girlishly high with the question and nerves. I cleared my throat.
"Charlie is fine," he grumbled.
"Charlie," I started again, not having a clue where I was going with this, "I would like to speak to you about, er… I guess I feel like you don't fully understand my and Bella's… situation."
"Situation?" he grumbled, looking incredibly unpleased.
"Relationship," I stated firmly. If anything, he looked a little embarrassed by the fact that I came to talk to him about his daughter's relationship with me, and more unpleased by the new word. "Look, Charlie, I love her. I know you think this is probably just some stupid high school fling and that I'm only with her for one reason, but I'm telling you right now that I'm with her until she says otherwise. I love her, more than I expect you to believe or understand and this isn't a fling, for either of us." His face was turning red and purple and kind of green, but I kept going. "Like I said, I don't expect you to believe me or understand, but I am in love with your daughter. You may think I'm young and stupid and God knows what else, and believe that I have no idea what love is or what it feels like, but I'm being completely honest with you when I tell you—"
"That you love my daughter, yeah, I got it, just don't say it again."
Well, at least he was listening. "Bella means a lot to me."
"She means a lot to me too," Charlie said defensively.
"I don't doubt that for a moment, and I wasn't implying that she doesn't. I just want you to know that I'm not trying to take her away from you. She can loves us both you know."
"What the hell did you come here for, Cullen?"
I groaned inwardly at the newly irate tone in his voice. "I don't want you to hate me, Charlie. I even might want you to approve of me a little bit. At the very least, I'd like to be civil."
I held my breath waiting for a response and all I got was a spat out, "Get outta here, kid."
– – –
I showed up at Bella's house that night right after dinner just like we'd planned. No more of this avoidance crap. I needed to spend a couple hours with her in the evenings, if I didn't get the nights.
Much to my surprise, Charlie answered the door. I think I shit myself. I know I gulped. I expected to get run off like a stray cat again. He didn't make eye contact, and just said, "Cullen," and stepped out of the way so I could enter.
Bella was standing over by the kitchen doorway, smirking. I gave her a 'what the fuck?' stare.
"Like baseball, Cullen?"
His partial sentences were really starting to amuse me. "Yeah."
"Game's on," he muttered, walking towards the living room.
Bella snickered quietly and took my hand as we walked into the living room behind him. I would have been still standing in the doorway with my mouthing hanging open if it weren't for her hand leading me. Charlie sat in his chair and Bella and I sat on the couch. She snuggled into my side, kind of hugging my arm. For more than half the game, I could feel her just staring at me, not even aware of the TV, but I forced my eyes to stay ahead so I wouldn't get lost in her gaze. At least it was a good game.
Charlie took a bathroom break during a commercial and I quickly looked at Bella, who look advantage of my turned head by kissing me quickly.
"Hi," she said.
"Hi," I said back, feeling a stupid smile spread across my face.
"I hear you talked to Charlie this afternoon." I nodded. "He asked me some stuff, like if I loved you and if I was in this for the long haul."
She didn't continue so I pressed her on. "And?"
"Obviously I said yes to both. Charlie grumbled something about stupid shiny Volvo owners and then he told me he thought you were okay. I warned him that you were probably going to be over here a lot from now on and that snuggling and kissing really wasn't that big of a deal."
I raised my eyebrows at her. "Really? You talked to your dad about kissing me, huh?"
She blushed. "Well, I told him goodnight kisses were still kind of customary between couples." She shrugged.
I laughed and I heard Charlie coming down the stairs, rather loudly, so I took that as my sign to kiss her now and not in front of him. I stole a quick kiss and couldn't bite back the stupid smile at all. Bella was trying, biting that bottom lip of hers like she always did to drive me crazy.
The game ended. Charlie stood up and stretched. "School night Ed—Cullen," I watched his face go red for almost using my first name and I tried to hold back a fit of laughter, "better get home."
"Good game, Charlie, thanks for letting me watch it over here."
He snorted quite obnoxiously. "Yeah, I'll bet that big screen at home is much worse than our crappy thirty-two inch."
"Dad!" Bella hissed.
He glared at her for a moment, then awkwardly patted me once on the shoulder while looking in the other direction. "Feel free to uh, watch the game here anytime you'd like." He made a hasty escape after that.
He was halfway up the stairs when I heard him yell, "Five minutes Bella. I expect you upstairs in five minutes."
She smiled at me and gave me an eye roll. "Yes, Dad."
She grabbed my hand then and led me out onto the front porch. The air was cold but it felt much more open and less stressful on the porch.
"Thank you," Bella said, looking up into my eyes.
"For what, love?" I asked honestly.
"Going to talk to him, having the courage I guess, I don't know. I'm happy you guys are… getting along?" Her eyebrows kind of knit together with confusion. Getting along was about the best way to describe it though.
"No problem, Bella, I'd do anything for you." I gave her a grin at my cheesy line, though it was one hundred percent true.
She shuffled closer to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "I know you would, Edward."
I sighed and rested my head on the top of Bella's. "I should probably go before Charlie says he was just kidding about the whole thing and gets trigger happy."
Bella's head flew back and she scowled angrily up at me. I kissed the hard line of her lips with a laugh. She swatted me on the side lightly once, but then wrapped her fingers into my hair and pulled my lips back down to hers.
"Goodnight kisses are customary, remember?" she asked me.
I smiled crookedly down at her. "How could I forget, love?"
She smiled before pressing her lips into mine. I sighed happily and she parted our lips further, pressing her hot little tongue into my mouth. I rubbed her arms slowly, kissing her for as long as she allowed me to. Or until Charlie did get trigger happy or something.
Neither was what broke the kiss. No, devilish pixie Alice came speeding home. Both Bella and I turned to look at the quickly approaching tiny figure. She was running and Bella squeaked when Alice hooked onto her arm and pulled her into the house.
All I heard besides Bella's squeak was, "Curfew Bells. Hi Edward. Bye Edward." Then the door slammed.
I got a text from Bella as I got into my car, still laughing incredulously at the whole night. Sorry. Love you.
I chuckled some more. Love you too Bella. Sleep well.
While I was at it, I sent a jab at Jasper. Your girlfriend has to be the world's most effective cock block.
He shot me back a text quickly. Nope, that would actually be the chastity belt.
I groaned. "Medieval, know it all, bastard with his tiny cock-blocking girlfriend," I muttered to myself as I drove home.
Once home, I did everything I could think of doing, short of taking sleeping pills, to get myself to sleep. None of it worked. Not working out, not a shower, not jerking off while showering, not Claire De Lune, nothing. I was restless. My bed smelled of Bella but her warmth was missing.
It was late and without much of a second thought, I got in my car hoping that a drive would make me drowsy. It didn't. I was driving around town and wide awake. Of course I ended up on her street. I kept driving. Then I was on her street again. The third time I saw my hiding place from the last time I'd snuck up to her house and swerved into it.
"This is stupid," I told myself aloud as I crept along the tree lines and yard lines again. "This is really fucking stupid," I growled at myself as I spotted her window.
But I didn't fucking care because I needed her to sleep. I needed her every fucking second of every fucking day. I needed her.
I scaled the tree. It was much more difficult than I remembered it being. Again the window was unlocked and it slid opened silently. Jumping in was seemed easier this time.
I swore I heard Bella sigh. She rolled over and her eyes were open and knowing as she stared at me.
"I couldn't sleep either," she whispered. I smiled at her and strolled to the bed. She sat up halfway and pulled my pants open before I could. She grabbed my hands when they fell down and pulled me down onto the tiny twin bed. I kicked my shoes and the jeans off my feet then molded my entire body to hers. Before I could forget, I reached down to my jeans and set my alarm on my phone for five in the morning.
Bella was already almost asleep, I could tell by the way she breathed. "I'll leave the window open for you," she told me.
"I'll come," I promised her.
*** Outtake: ***
A/N: Okay, so this was originally what I had wrote, but I decided it wasn't going to work. Prologue to this outtake is that Edward climbed through her window, they got nekkid, and were going to get it on...
The thundering footsteps up the stairs were enough warning for me to take cover. The window was already open so I flung myself through it while Bella kicked my clothes under her bed. I was on the second story so my only choice was to hang from the windowsill and pray. The blackness of the night should have given me the cover I so needed, and my ass was facing the woods so mooning the world wasn't too big of an issue.
I could just see over my arm in the position I held myself. Charlie flung the door open and Bella flung her blanket over her naked body.
"Dad!" she shrieked.
"Bella, are you okay, I heard something." He looked around the room and I noticed my boxers were only half-hidden under the bed. I wondered how bad this fall was going to hurt and if it would kill me.
"I'm fine!" Bella's voice was higher than normal with nervousness. Her face was red and she looked on the verge of tears as she clung the blanket to her chin.
Charlie swept the room with his eyes again, they came to rest on his feet. "Oh Jesus," he muttered, backing up two steps. His face turned many shades darker red than Bella's, which I thought would have been impossible. I silently willed Bella to know how much I love her and hoped she wouldn't miss me too much after I died. "I-I-I-I'm sorry."
Charlie disappeared, slamming the door, thundering back down the stairs, hell, I even heard the front door slam. I scrambled back through the window and landed hard on my right elbow and knee. If I hadn't been caught from the inside, it was just my luck that Charlie would find my naked ass plastered to his rough wood siding, dangling from his daughter's window. But what the hell had that all been about?
I looked to the floor and found where Charlie had been standing mere moments ago. Not six inches from where he'd stood lay Bella's underwear, wet stain up. I laughed, and tried to muffle it with my hand. The cruiser started somewhere in the distance and I went silent. Gravel crunched then tires sped on pavement.
"You need to go," Bella hissed.
A/N: This chapter was full of cock blocks, eh? Charlie and Alice are just cock blocking mo-fos. I snicker like a freaking hyena at the thought of Charlie thinking he caught Bella diddling herself when Edward is hanging butt ass naked from her window.
Only 1 chapter left...
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